
Board Newsletter – Issue 25, May 2021

From the Helm

Dear Members – The Fremantle to Exmouth Race and Rally has been run and won. The fleet of 35 yachts all arrived safely in Exmouth with congratulations to over race winner ‘Indian’ and rally winners ‘Kondili’, ‘Lucky One’, ‘Fat Bottom Girl’ and ‘Tilt’. The Exmouth community warmly welcomed participants, support crews and Club staff. 

It really was a great event and congratulations to all those who participated and in particular the organising committee, the sailing office, the administration staff and CEO Karen Baldwin for a job well done. I look forward to the event being run far more regularly based on the popularity and success of this years event.

Ron Greer, Commodore

Club Capex & Significant Projects

SERVICE JETTY –  Work commenced on 24 May with the temporary fuel arrangements now in place. Please visit the Harbour Office during business hours to collect a swipe key and set-up arrangements.

FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES – Unfortunately, we are still waiting on a response from DFES regarding the proposed Fire Strategy and preliminary designs. Although we are behind on forecast progress we still hope to complete the first stage of works in the 2021/2022 financial year.

DINGHY CLUBHOUSE – A successful tenderer has been identified to undertake repairs to the Dinghy Clubhouse. A contract will be signed shortly with work to commence soon after. 

SITE DRAINAGE ISSUES –  We have finally had some progress on this issue with pipe degradation identified between the Club and railway line. Fremantle City Council is working on plans to resolve the issue. In the meantime, all pipes have been cleaned and there has been no flooding during recent heavy rainfall.

DoT Lease Update 

No progress to report this month.


As at 27 May, the Club had 3,163 members. A membership update was recently circulated to all members outlining key initiatives  undertaken by the Club over the past year. Membership renewal statements will be sent out shortly and if you renew before 30 July you will go in the draw to wind a case of Moet & Chandon.

Annual General Meeting

The 2021 AGM will take place on Tuesday 27 July, commencing at 7.30pm. Nominations are now open for the following vacancies on the Board of Management.

Flag Officers

Commodore                                                    Vacant

Vice Commodore                              One year term

Rear Commodore Sail                      One year term

Rear Commodore Power                 One year term

Rear Commodore Fishing & Dive   One year term

Board of Management Members

Four (4) Board of Management Members     
Two year term

Treasurer                                            One year term

Nomination forms are available at reception and should be submitted to the CEO at ea@fsc.com.au by close of business on Tuesday 29 June 2021.

Section News

Angling, Game Fishing & Dive

Game Fishing: This month we hosted an excellent presentation by Adam Ashdown of Salty Bones and Mike Minutillo from RecFishWest.

Another busy month for the Angling section with our monthly fishing competition and regular fishing clinics held on Success. Planning also underway for the WA
Interclub Boat Angling Championships and the King George fishing competition to held in November.

 The Dive section has continued work on attaching wires to anodes.  Once complete, anodes can be checked without the need for diving. 10 down – 490 to go….. 

The Exmouth Race and Rally was successfully completed with 35 boats arriving in Exmouth and no significant incidents during the event. Preparation for winter sailing (Huck Scott, Inshore and Valmadre) is in hand with early indications of increased participation. 

Power, Bosuns, Pipes & Drums

Power:  Despite very unfavourable weather conditions over 50 people attended the Power Section held a boat party on Saturday 22 May.  Thank you to all who attended! 

Bosuns: The Bosuns have again been hard at work!  This month they have removed old tiles from the Junior clubhouse kitchen, helped with the enormous task of loading and unloading equipment from the Exmouth container, worked with divers installing a new sail mark and new chains and ropes to the Blackwall Reach Buoy as well as continuing to work with the Dive Section installing earth wires to the anodes.


Pipes & Drums: We hosted the Fremantle Highland Championships on Sunday 23 May.  The event was a great success with 90 solo pipers and four bands competing which makes it larger than the State Championships!  

Duty Officers

The Duty Officers want to sincerely thank all the attendees at the Clubs ‘Happy Hour’ in the months of April/May. You all donated so generously to the Raffles being run. This enabled the Club to donate $2500 to the Exmouth Primary School as part of the Exmouth Race – Public Relations. A great effort from you all! Makes our job as Duty Officers that much easier and promotes the Clubs engagement with the broader community. Well done to the Friday Nights team!

From the Desk - of the CEO

As the Commodore has mentioned, now that we have finished the Exmouth Race & Rally, it is very rewarding to sit back and reflect on all the hard work and effort put in by so many people to ensure it was a great success and we even got to go swimming with whale sharks!.

Not least of all was the outstanding support provided by a number of Major and minor sponsors – both from within our Club, the local Fremantle business community and the Exmouth Community.

Special thanks to M G Kailis Seafood and the Exmouth Wild Prawns, as well as the Exmouth Shire Council for their major sponsorship without whom the event may not have even got off the ground.  


The general feedback has been that the entire event was a resounding success – and the question on everyone’s lips????  When’s the next one?

Karen Baldwin, CEO


FSC reported an overall loss for the month of April of $125,988 after depreciationand DoT rent.  F&B were directly affected by the COVID lock down in April with some major functions being cancelled.  The remainder of the month however
provided good results. 

Repairs and maintenance expenditure was less than budgeted this month by $64,000 however this will increase in the next couple of months once several maintenance projects get underway. The Academy and Harbour & Jetties also both returned good results with income received well over budget.

Organisation & Club Culture

Sadly, Club Sailing Manager Thor Schoenoff has decided to go back to his engineering roots and will be leaving us at the end of this week.  Thor has shown great commitment and enthusiasm in the role of Head Coach when first employed at FSC, and then stepping up to the role of Sailing Manager.  Thor will be greatly missed and we are well advanced with the recruiting
for his replacement and hope to make an announcement in the near future.  In the meantime, FSC member Chris White will
step in to an interim Sailing Manager role to keep on top of this very busy

I would also like to announce the recent resignation of Derek Green from our Boatyard Department, looking for a change after working at the Club for the last 13 years.   


We are aware that a number of members continue to be frustrated by our current invoice and statement reporting. We are looking at several different options which may be more flexible than our current accounting package.

Compliance in all areas of our operations is also another focus and engagement of an Environmental consultant will help to identify “gaps” and assist with improvement, particularly in the Boatyard area.

Legal / Insurance Matters

Club Marine Claim: this matter remains outstanding.  We have now been advised that the matter will
likely proceed to trial.

Membership Activities & Events

Friday night entertainment is back again this week in the Sailors Bar with Craig Ballantyne helping to ease you into the weekend. Don’t forget to get your tickets in the weekly meat tray raffle!

On Friday 16th July, FSC is joining forces with SoPYC and will be holding a Formal Mess Dinner and members from both Clubs are encouraged to attend.  For anyone who has not attended one of these very special events, it is a strong tradition in Naval institutions with lots of history attached to some of the ceremonies which will unfold during the night.  The tickets are $80pp and if you would like to come along with the FSC contingent, please book by contacting Angela (ea@fsc.com.au) or call her during business hours.

A reminder that tickets are now on sale for the ‘Winter Wonderland Ball’ which will take place on Saturday 31 July. Tickets can be purchased at www.trybooking.com/BRGQK or by calling reception on 9435 8800.  

Marina & Maintenance Matters

Work on the Service Jetty has now commenced with the temporary fuel service now in full operation.  If you wish to purchase diesel during this time, please go to the Harbour office during office hours to collect a swipe key.


Repairs and maintenance of finger jetties, headstocks and piles around the marina is an on-going task and we appreciate patience from our members as we endeavour to get through the urgent ones as a priority. 

Welcome New Members from March intake!

Rupert Backhouse

Geoff Evans

Patsy Evans

Hamish Jolly

Shereen Jolly

Helmut Mayer

Jodie Mayer

Ross Norgard

Andrea Schenker-Geller

Roger Swainston

Paula Holland

Helen Mack

Melissa Merillo

David Luketina

Ryan Sherburn

Ferry Lanter

Cory Saxon

Richard Sherwood

John Scotney

Mark Wheeler

Len Bowman

Victor Boreman

Jennifer Noye

Emile Greenwood

Marcel Greenwood

Ethan Vujcic

Jeremy Vujcic