

Fremantle Sailing Club 151 Marine Terrace, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia

TOPIC NIGHT BY CRUISING SECTION Presented by Delphine Chabanne, a Murdoch Research Fellow, join us to delve deeper into understanding these fascinating animals, recognizing them, exploring the interconnections among the […]

Try an OK Day

Fremantle Sailing Club 151 Marine Terrace, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia

Come down on Saturday morning to check out the growing OK Dinghy fleet based out of Fremantle Sailing Club. There will be several boats available to take out for a […]

Event Series Twilight Sailing

Twilight Sailing

Fremantle Sailing Club 151 Marine Terrace, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia

Starting at 6.00pm - Bring along your family, friends and crew, come rain, hail or shine! We will have prizes, music and specials even if we don't sail. Join us […]

ANZAC Day Race

Fremantle Sailing Club 151 Marine Terrace, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia