Sat 18 Jan 2025
1st warning signal TBA
SPONSOR: Sponsorship available
SERIES: Coastal Series
Berthing at FSC
Boats from other clubs wishing to participate may arrange with our Harbour Office for a berth at FSC Friday night, ready for the race start Saturday. Visiting Vessel Form
Berthing at HYC
For participating boats, Hillarys Yacht Club will provide berthing for the race day and overnight. Please register early to ensure of a spot.

08 9435 8821
Mike Harvey joined Fremantle Sailing Club in 1980. He was totally involved with the Club and Sailing Sections, introducing the Winter Series, Valmadre Series, JAM Series and Cruising in Company. A board member for many years a pen owner, Cinnabar Yacht Owner, Bali 1986 participant, Juniors, Rear Commodore Sail Dinghy Section. He also helped with fund raising, coaching, building participation and introducing local schools to sailing.
Mike helped set up the Genuine Invitation Winter Series – a well attended series from conception. Previously winter sailing was run as a fun frostbite once a month. However this regatta introduced many sailors from other clubs to the great pleasure of sailing on Cockburn Sound and the wonderful conditions for sailing in winter in Fremantle.
The Valmadre Cup Winter Series was another highly innovative idea by Mike Harvey which is recognised widely by sailors local and regional. Encouraging yachts from all clubs to visit our Club and stay for the winter months. The Valmadre Series, has been a success attracting many small to large yachts to our Club.
Cruising in Company – Mike formed the first committee calling it the Cruising in Company, with Kaye Riseley as Secretary – committee formed with Peter Blaxell, Peter Kennedy & others with our first trip to Yanchep, over 25 yachts joined this inaugural first cruise, other yacht clubs followed Mikes concept.
J A M Sailing (Jib & Main) – Another concept Mike was helped get started, with the objective of introducing new members to racing, while not taking it too seriously. So beginners could participate and so learn how to sail their boat and achieve a knowledge of rules in a convivial atmosphere.
JAM sailing continues to be standard in our Saturday racing program allowing yachts that are short of crew.