The Dive Section was instigated in 1984 when Trevor Sutcliffe lobbied Bob Wallis to form a Dive Section within Fremantle Sailing Club. The original concept was that there could be two divisions – one for spearfishing and the other for scuba.
The first official day was planned as an event during WA Week in 1984. Unfortunately, poor weather conditions made it difficult and unsafe to proceed. Max Shean was soon to play a huge part in the section by realising that the Club’s jetties and in particular the state of the electrical protection being given by the anodes affixed to the piles of the pens and jetties, needed great attention.
Max knew this was not a job that could be done alone, so he asked for the help of his friend Bob Wallis. Bob, in turn then asked Harry Welmink & Bob Naylor to also give a helping hand. Down they went and reported their findings to Max, the magnitude of the job ahead became apparent.
On 29 July 1985, some 25 divers assembled at The Bridge within the club and a proposal was passed to form a ‘Skin Diving Section’ at FSC. The aim of this section was to scuba & skin dive, monitor & replace anodes, conduct underwater jetty maintenance, share and explore old & new dive sites, travel to foreign waters by getting together in a group and heading overseas, plus of course, to bring together family and friends for a whole lot of underwater fun! The original concept and values of this section have not changed that much, but a sociable attitude, combined with today’s technology, support and a wealth of experience, has ensured that the Dive Section remains an increasingly popular and important division of Fremantle Sailing Club.