
Power Quiz Night – 20 May

Thank you to everyone who attended the FSC Power Section Quiz Night, with over 70 attending the Club bar was buzzing with anticipation to battled it out. Congratulations to the Quiz Winners. The Adventures, The Liveaboards, The Longboat. Also, the raffle and prize winners – Neil Ensor, Jordan Breen, Ole Otness, Ron Kitchener, Kyron Timms & Sharon Behsman.

Quiz Master Drew Murrie, Kylie Broomham and Heather Timms did a fabulous job hosting and entertaining everyone for the night. Also, the FSC Power Committee for all the behind the scenes planning.

After all the winners were announced and prizes presented, we finished off the evening with a Port Tipple, scrumptious cheeseboard, and chocolates.

We give a special thanks to our sponsors for the evening Power-it-Chilli sauce, Heather Timms & Envy Jewellery, Jennine Sampson.