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Saturday 26 November 2022
Feeder Race: Warning 0855 Combined Fleet
Catalpa Race: 1st Warning 1425
Ferry Service and Lunch at TCYC
Catalpa Classic Feeder Race Supplementary Sailing Instructions – click here
Catalpa Classic Sailing Instructions – click here
All keelboats welcome!
The Catalpa Classic is on the 26th November. This TCYC yacht race commemorates the escape, on 17–19 April 1876, of six Irish Fenian prisoners from the Convict Establishment (now Fremantle Prison). The Fenians escaped aboard the three-masted merchant bark Catalpa. In a re-enactment of the on water chase, TCYC yachts will represent the Fenians and FSC yachts will represent the chasing authorities.
The Catalpa Classic warning signals will be at 1425 (Fenians) and 1440 (WA Authorities). The lucky winner will get their name engraved on the impressive trophy and will be based on performance handicap across the combined TCYC & FSC fleets. TCYC yachts will berth in Success Harbour overnight with the Ode Saw Memorial Race back to TCYC on Sunday. A morning feeder race from FSC to TCYC will start at FSC mark “L” with the warning signal at 0855 for a combined fleet start for all divisions. Keelboats from all sections of FSC are welcome and encouraged to compete.
Moorings and a ferry service ashore are provided and lunch is available at TCYC. The Catalpa Classic race pennants can also be collected at TCYC. The evening presentations for both races will be at FSC, followed by a combined TCYC FSC dinner in the galley (Ala Carte menu). This is the first year FSC yachts are being encouraged to join our neighbouring club for dinner, so let’s see a good turnout.
Registration and SI’s are available online at https://fremantlesailingclub.com.au/event/catalpa-classic-2022/. Please register early to help the staff and volunteers with catering and handicapping of the combined fleet.