Cruising Section
Welcome from the Section Captain
Whether you are a Club Member, or visiting yacht, we would like you to join us as active cruisers.
The Cub organises cruising activities to suit all including monthly Sunday Sailing (Jib & Main – round the buoys); Wednesday twilight sailing, short weekend cruises in company to Rockingham, Hillary’s and Rottnest; longer adventures to Geographe bay; and informal groups sail together to destinations such as the Abrolhos Islands and Shark Bay. The Club also organises longer blue water cruising such as the Bali Race & Rally and the Exmouth Race & Rally. Topic nights, safety exercises, social camaraderie, progressive dinners, the cruising safety guide and the WA Cruising Guide, support these activities.
How We Communicate
Learning and Wanting to Crew
Within Cruising Section, we have a large bandwidth of both age and experience which translates into we all learn from each other (see our Resources). One of our focus areas is helping prospective or existing members further their skills and learn. We do this through Topic Nights, practical days, and facilitated training. We also do this through our FSC Crew Match and helping those who register on FSC Crew Match find a suitable boat. When using FSC Crew Match, please be sure to tick that you are interested in Cruising so your notice is channeled to us.
If new to sailing, it is assumed an introductory sailing course has been done. It is not necessary but it helps. The next step is know what to expect. Sailing with others is a fantastic way to build long and lasting friendships. Cruisers are generally pretty relaxed and looking to have a nice day out, but if there is a bad day, don’t let that be a deterrent, let it be a show of resilliance. One piece of the puzzle is managing expectations. When getting ready to crew, please anticipate pitching in with beer, rigging the boat and washing the boat down once returned or whatever else the owner would like help with. Be reliable and clear with the boat owner for what you can commit too. Once settled into a boat, there are times where jobs need doing and this is also a great way to learn about boat care and maintenance and offering up time to help an owner will be welcomed. The final piece of the puzzle is membership, for those who are not members, the rule of thumb is three trips are on the house and by the fourth, it is time to join the club as a Crew Member (or more). Once a member, you will receive a key fob, parking sticker and be able to move around with asking favours to open the gate.